Wednesday, July 11, 2012

That Darned Melody!

I had downloaded some music to CD's, and was playing one of them in the car.  Problem was, I failed to list the contents of the CD.  Soon, a wonderfully energizing piece of music was playing, rousing trumpets, trombones and cymbals.  I was in heaven!  Wow, no wonder I downloaded this - it's wonderful.  I was singing; my husband was humming; I was conducting madly, my hair flying à la Seiji Ozawa.  But what is that tune?  I know it.  I can sing it.  My husband knows it.  It's familiar ... on the tip of my tongue ... no.  Nothing.  Alzheimer's.

That was five days ago.  That melody has been rattling around in my brain ever since.  I even called my uncle, a venerated member of my family who knows everything about music.  We used to challenge each other with Name That Tune in classical music in times past.  Surely, he would know?  No.  Sadly, he said he had never even heard it.  Now that's impossible.  It's too popular a theme!

Despair, frustration, agitation, I finally resorted to downloading one of those apps from the internet, where you sing a few bars, and poof! out comes The Melody with Name and Social Security Number, all nicely wrapped with a ribbon.  I used four such gizmos.  Sang my throat out to each one.  Sang it again, more melodiously this time.  Nada.  They produced a few names, but nothing remotely in the ball park.  Oh, what shall I do?  This is not possible!

Finally, in desperation, I turned to the Classical Music Group on LinkedIn.  I poured my heart out for all to see.  I told my story, expressed my chagrin, and begged for relief.

Lo and behold, someone appeared from the ether, much more musically educated than I, and together we put a name to that forlorn melody. 

The finale to Mahler's First Symphony.  I can sleep now.

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